Reunión mensual sobre Coyuntura Macroeconómica See more Consultorías a Gobiernos y Empresas See more


Analysis and monitoring of the Chilean economy

High level executives of different companies participate in our monthly meetings on the macroeconomic situation and medium-term perspective of the Chilean economy.

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We have extensive experience as Experts for one of the parties, or as Expert Advisors of the Referee, in various cases between private parties.

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Economic advice

We produce Reports for companies and financial institutions on macroeconomic and microeconomic issues, such as sectorial, regional, industrial organization, and regulatory issues.

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Value and transaction opinions

We issue Opinions to business directories, banks and law firms about the economic value of companies, specific transactions and the fulfillment of financial contracts.

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Seminars on economic issues

Presentations on specific topics made to clients of companies and financial institutions, and to trade organizations.

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Consulting to International Organizations, Governments, Supervisory Agencies and Regulators

We produce Proposals for modernization and improvement of the design and implementation of monetary and fiscal policies, financial institutions, and regulated markets.

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News & Reports

  • Informe semanal al 5 de julio de 2024

    Mercados internacionales optimistas, en vista de señales de enfriamiento del mercado laboral en EE.UU. El USD se debilitó y los precios de las materias primas repuntan. En Chile, el IMACEC de mayo se desaceleró más de lo esperado

    July 5, 2024
  • Informe semanal al 28 de junio de 2024

    USD (DXY) se aprecia tras inflación en EE.UU (PCE) en línea con las expectativas de mercado. En Chile, la tasa de desempleo continúa disminuyendo, contrastando con alza en Terminaciones de Contratos de Trabajo y datos sectoriales débiles

    June 28, 2024
  • Informe semanal al 14 de junio de 2024

    Fed proyecta una sola baja de TPM este año. Ello, junto al resultado de las elecciones en la UE llevan a un aumento del USD (DXY). En Chile, encuestas apuntan a una disminución de la TPM de 25 pb. la próxima semana, y un cierre de 2024 entre 4,75% y 5%

    June 14, 2024

Our Firm

Zahler & Co. is a consulting company specialized in providing economic and financial advisory services in Chile and abroad.

Founded in 1997 by Roberto Zahler, the company has been characterized by sustained growth thanks to the trust placed by our customers.

These include private and public companies, pension funds, banks, insurance companies, Central Banks, Ministries of Finance, Superintendencies of Banks and Pension Funds and multilateral organizations, such as the World Bank, Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF).


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